A message from the Board President and CEO

Posted on July 29, 2019 in Latest News and Information

Senses Australia is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of people living with disability.  This commitment stems from the Board and flows right the way through to our front line staff. Our aim is to deliver a high quality disability service that meets the individual needs of our clients.  We embrace all forms of feedback (compliments and complaints) from our clients as it helps us to continuously and constructively look for ways to improve our services.

As an organisation we have embarked on a number of initiatives to ensure that we have practices in place that safeguard the rights of the people we support such as the Zero Tolerance Framework (https://www.nds.org.au/zero-tolerance).  This evidence based framework provides strategies that we are implementing to improve the prevention, early intervention and responses to abuse, neglect and violence experienced by people with disability.

As our clients transition in to the NDIS we are working proactively to ensure that our services are underpinned by the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding principles. We have a strong culture of safety and quality which has recently been further enhanced with the implementation of our Clinical Governance Committee.  We only recruit staff whose values align with Senses Australia’s values and our training and supervision framework facilitates the delivery of high quality services.

You may be aware that the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability was established in April of this year.  Senses Australia strongly supports the work of the Royal Commission and we will welcome any learnings or direction that the Royal Commission might provide.  As the commission will look in to both current and historical cases we will respond openly and transparently to any request for information by the Commission.  We will also seek positive client experiences and stories that we can then share.

If you have any feedback, concerns or complaints about our services we encourage you to contact us through any one of the following ways:

  1. Through our webpage – https://senseswa.com.au/contact-us/feedback-on-my-services/
  2. Talking directly with one of our staff members
  3. Via our client satisfaction survey
  4. Contact the CEO directly on Lisa.Brennan@senses.org.au.

Further updates and support services can be accessed by following this link: Royal Commission Updates and Support Services.


Colin Emmott, President, Senses Australia Board

Lisa Brennan, Chief Executive Officer